Meet Our Team

Scott Govers

Scott Govers

I’ve lived in the Bay Area for over 50 years having grown up in Berkeley and Oakland. I graduated from Berkeley High School, and attended Diablo Valley College before transferring to San Francisco State University where I graduated with a B.S. degree in Finance and Real Estate.

My first professional experience within the world of real estate was working for World Savings, one of the industry’s best run S&L’s in the 1990’s. As an appraiser, based on metrics established by World Savings, I consistently led my region in performance. To date I’ve has completed over 3,000 residential appraisals of single family homes and 2-4 unit multifamily properties.

Rod Khleif

Rod Khleif – Senior Advisor

Rod Khleif is a passionate real estate investor who has personally owned and managed over 2,000 apartments and homes. Rod is the host of the number one real estate podcast on Itunes; “Lifetime Cash Flow through Real Estate Investing”. As an accomplished entrepreneur, Rod has built several successful multi-million dollar businesses. But ask Rod what he is most proud of, and he will tell you about his work as a community philanthropist, over the past 14 years Rod’s work has benefitted more than 40,000 underprivileged community children.

Khleif has combined his passion for real estate investing with his personal philosophy of goal setting, envisioning, and manifesting success to become one of America’s top real estate investment professionals.

Before being named as a director at REM Equity Group, Khleif was president of Gulf Coast Management Inc., a real estate property management company in the Sarasota, FL area. In this position, Khleif managed thousands of single family and multifamily home units. He also oversaw the recruitment, training, and management of 60 full-time employees and contractors. Khleif is rendering his personal business success and real estate investment expertise into his book, “How to Create Lifetime Cashflow through Multifamily Properties.”

Robert Ritzenthaler

Robert Ritzenthaler – Senior Advisor

For the past 17 years Robert has been involved in completing over $1 Billion of commercial and multi-family real estate transactions from New York to Florida.

During that same time Robert was instrumental in building a commercial construction company and property management business to further monetize the portfolio investments that were made. Robert has also spent time on Wall Street helping raise capital and launch a $72 million technology hedge fund.

He has guided equity partners on over a dozen acquisitions ranging from real estate to manufacturing and been responsible for raising capital for these projects and completing due diligence. As a CPA with many years of CFO experience, Robert also understands the importance of knowing the numbers and managing risk.